Alpine Linux 实现开机自启脚本

前面我们安装了Alpine,具体参考这个:Linux下OpenVZ平台Alpine Linux一键安装脚本 ,然后想着继续搞下去,因为这小东西长得太精致了,就研究了下开机自启的办法,具体方法如下:

Alpine Linux 的 开机自启目录在/etc/local.d下,这个目录用于放置我们需要在本地服务启动或停止后执行的脚本。


This directory should contain programs or scripts which are to be run
when the local service is started or stopped.

If a file in this directory is executable and it has a .start extension,
it will be run when the local service is started. If a file is
executable and it has a .stop extension, it will be run when the local
service is stopped.

All files are processed in lexical order.

Keep in mind that files in this directory are processed sequentially,
and the local service is not considered started or stopped until
everything is processed, so if you have a process which takes a long
time to run, it can delay your boot or shutdown processing.



我们现在需要开机自启ss服务,由于Alpine Linux自带了nohup后台守护,我们就直接使用nohup设置开机自启。


vi ss.start //编辑文件
nohup python3 /usr/local/shadowsocks/ -c /root/1.json &  //填充数据



chmod +x ss.start

设置 local 服务开机启动:

rc-update add local


» 本文链接:Alpine Linux 实现开机自启脚本
» 转载请注明来源:刺客博客
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